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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Frosinone Calcio Stadion

Stadio Benito Stirpe, Home of Frosinone Calcio

History of the Stadium

The Stadio Benito Stirpe, also known as the Stadio Casaleno, is the home stadium of Frosinone Calcio, an Italian football club based in the city of Frosinone, Lazio. The stadium was opened in 2017 and replaced the Stadio Comunale di Frosinone, which had been the club's home since 1922.

Stadio Comunale di Frosinone

The Stadio Comunale di Frosinone, nicknamed the "Matusa" due to its age, had served as Frosinone Calcio's home since the club's founding. It was a multi-purpose stadium, also hosting athletics and other sports events.

Construction and Opening of Stadio Benito Stirpe

The Stadio Benito Stirpe was built specifically for Frosinone Calcio and was designed to meet modern football stadium standards. The stadium has a capacity of 16,227 seats and features a range of amenities, including 10 executive boxes with eight seats each.

Current Use

Frosinone Calcio currently plays its home games at the Stadio Benito Stirpe. The stadium has hosted various football matches, including Serie A, Serie B, and Coppa Italia fixtures. It has also been used for youth international matches and other sporting events.
