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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Belgrades Snap Elections Vucic Claims Victory Party Aims For Majority

Belgrade's Snap Elections: Vucic Claims Victory, Party Aims for Majority

Serbia's Parliamentary Turmoil

Serbia's political landscape has been rocked by a series of snap parliamentary elections in recent months. The latest round, held on December 17, 2023, saw President Aleksandar Vucic and his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) emerge victorious.

Vucic's Triumph

Vucic declared victory on Sunday evening, with early exit polls indicating that the SNS had secured a majority of seats in the National Assembly. The party's strong performance is attributed to Vucic's populist policies and his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Absolute Majority Ambitions

While the SNS has not officially secured an absolute majority, Vucic has expressed his intention to form a coalition government that will grant the party complete control of the legislature. This would allow the SNS to pursue its ambitious agenda without facing opposition within the National Assembly.

Political Uncertainty

The outcome of the elections has left Serbia's political future uncertain. While Vucic's victory consolidates his power, it also raises concerns about the erosion of democratic institutions and the potential for authoritarianism. The country's opposition parties have expressed disappointment with the results but have pledged to continue fighting for political pluralism.

The international community will be closely monitoring the situation in Serbia as it grapples with the implications of Vucic's victory and the SNS's bid for absolute power.
